Our puppy search service has been very successful over the years and has helped many clients find the perfect puppy to suit their expectations and lifestyle. No matter what breed you set your mind on, we rely on our small database of a few reputable breeders that have proven to be trustworthy over the years, alternatively we offer advice and support with a breeder of your choice. Did you know that there is a test that helps to determine the temperament of puppies in order to establish how they will be as adults? If you live with children you certainly wouldn't take home a puppy with a dominant demeanour. This service will also help you and your family prepare welcoming your new puppy home and gives advice on behavioural issues like play-biting, jumping up etc. as well as house training, nutrition, vaccinations and initial training in preparation to first outings to the park. Some clients prefer to leave to us the management of the first few weeks of disruption that a new puppy may cause, or simply they don't have the time to properly follow the puppy in the very beginning. New puppies will need some time to adjust to the new environment, they will feed several times a day, they will soil, chew and crave for attention. In addition to the puppy search, we can offer an all inclusive residential training for puppies and young dogs. If you want to give you and your puppy the best possible start in life, then I would strongly recommend to get in touch and find out more about how we can help find your lifetime companion.